
ATL Standard

Friday, March 28, 2025

OPINION: With Platinum Plan, President Trump is focused on uplifting the Black Community


Dr. Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King

President Trump is the only choice this November, and one couldn’t possibly have put it more succinctly than Eric Trump did at our recent Evangelicals for Trump rally in Forsyth County last week.

The President’s charismatic son said, “when they open pot shops, and they won’t open places of worship, you’ve got a real problem in society.” 

Eric’s right. 

I want Georgia’s Christians to remember that the names on those ballots this November represent ideas, values, and a vision for the future of the United States of America. This isn’t about the personalities of the candidates. It isn’t only about their policies. It’s about what they have done. Or, perhaps in the case of Joe Biden, what he hasn’t done in nearly fifty years of public service, already. 

President Trump has accomplished more in 47 months than Joe Biden has accomplished in his 47 years as a career politician, and the president isn’t stopping any time soon. Before the coronavirus artificially halted the economy’s growth, Black Americans were seeing historically low unemployment rates, and President Trump intends for Black communities to reach those historic lows once again.

The president just recently announced his Platinum Plan to secure economic prosperity and opportunities for Black Americans moving forward. He is committing $250 billion to create a new era of prosperity for Black communities across America and is even committing to build on his First Step Act that reversed decades of legislation – written and supported by Joe Biden – that is responsible for putting countless young Black men in prison.

Elections are about what candidates believe, what they deliver, and what they want to make of our great country. The fact of the matter is that the choice has never been more pronounced in modern electoral history. 

For instance, consider the issue of abortion. President Trump’s prolife policies are unparalleled in American history. They reach across the full scope of government; and remarkably, he was the first president to speak at the March for Life. At that event he said, “We’re here for a very simple reason: to defend the right of every child, born and unborn, to fulfill their God-given potential.” Amen. 

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is supporting abortion up to the very moment of birth, and his running mate, Kamala Harris, even blocked a bill in the United States Senate that would have protected children born alive. These are extreme death affirming positions. 

The Biden/Harris anti-life agenda is also clearly mirrored during the Covid-19 pandemic. Joe Biden has taken a scorched earth approach to managing the pandemic– begging for another total shutdown.

Meanwhile, President Trump continues to work to protect Americans, carefully examining COVID19 cure options, while expediting a safe vaccine process; while simultaneously rebooting our economy along the way; safely. 

You might say that this November religious freedom itself is on the ballot; and that the very lives of our children are on the ballot, and that the safety of our communities; and the education of our children; and the security of the United States against China …. they’re all on the ballot. 

Biden and Harris, God bless their hearts, are great at doublespeak. Biden says this is a battle for the soul of America; he just omits his horrible track record of supporting the killing of babies, dismantling families for political gain, and mastering pay for play. Harris’ Freudian slip about a “Harris (Presidential) Administration is telling. Don’t be fooled by their charming smiles and pretty faces. 

Sometimes, Georgians are surprised by my enthusiastic support for President Trump because I have a reputation for avoiding being overly partisan, and for leading one of the nation’s most multi-cultural and multi-ethnic Christian ministries in America. Yet, my values are also the values that have driven my support for President Trump. 

I have the honor of being invited to pray at the White House, and to sit at the table and stand with President Trump as he makes history. There, with the President and groups of ethnically blended prayerful supporters, we work hard for America. 

I was there with Hispanic and black leaders as POTUS achieved the First Step Act—which was the most significant reform to our criminal justice system in thirty years. That bill corrected problems created by a bill Biden sponsored in 1994. 

I was there when POTUS freed America’s religious communities from the tyranny of religious oppression. 

Look, I have no problem with Democrats. I was elected to office Asa Democrat in the 1970s. I support Prolife Democrat candidates today. 

I have Democrat friends and Democrats in my family. But Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are different. They are promoting policies which are dangerous for the future of our country. They coddle the extremists on their leftward flank. They want to pacify the Iranians and the Chinese. 

There’s no question about any of this. 

In the words of Georgia’s most famous Trump supporter —democrat Vernon Jones—it's time to “put country before party,” and that’s why millions of Georgians are doing everything they can to guarantee President Trump four more years. 

As we continue in prayer for America, I hope you’ll join us; and vote accordingly.

– Alveda King is an evangelist and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is a member of Black Voices for Trump.